ECIA - March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with Contest and Design (17)

| Supporting engineers and start-up companies to drive meaningful innovation, Avnet Silica and EBV Elektronik have launched the international...

| Three months to come up with a good project idea around the Espressif ESP32, develop it and then write the documentation, is not a lot. A bi...


| The winners of the Elektor ESP32 Design Contest 2018 are known! After many hours of wading through project descriptions, watching videos and...


| If you want to win one of the great prizes of our ESP32 Design Contest, then now is your chance, or, more accurate, your LAST opportunity as...

| The ESP32 Design Contest 2018 revolves about the new ESP32 flagship product from Espressif Systems. The ESP32 combines up to two Xtensa LX6...

| The ESP32 Design Contest 2018 is gaining speed now that the boards are being shipped and the first entries have been posted on Elektor Labs....

| Join the ESP32 Design Contest 2018. Submit a project proposal, receive a free ESP32 Pico Kit V4, do your (Internet of) Things with it, and w...


| Join the Elektor Espressif ESP32 Design Contest 2018. Submit a project outline, receive a free ESP32 Pico Kit V4, do your (Internet of) Thin...

| ESP32 Design Contest 2018 Terms and Conditions


| One month ago we asked Elektor Labs users to design an original fading LED circuit and publish its schematic together with a video as a proj...