STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Controller and computer (6)

| Siemens refers to its top-end 8051 derivative, the 80C537, as the ‘8-bit elephant’. In this article, Elektor Electronics presents a low-budg...

| We’ve used superlatives often enough in Elektor Electronics, but there’s no question that this is the most compact computer design we have...

| Tape streamers are used not only to secure data, system software, but also to transfer large files from one computer to another. This arti...

| Intel's 8031 embedded controller chip contains all the essential ingredients of a microcomputer - 1/0 ports, a UART, interrupt lines, 1...

| This circuit enables a computer to con- trol the power supplied to a mains oper- ated device (lamp, heater, drill, etc.) in 255 steps. Varia...

| 7-day timer/controller Elektor April 1983 The last time we published a single-chip programmable timer was way back in May 1979 and the circu...