DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with Controller and Design (9)

| Do you want to the opportunity to win up to $10,000? Enter our ARM Microcontroller Design Contest and qualify not only to win the cash, but...

| Although the final application, a reliable system to hatch chicken eggs, may seem specialized, the method of getting there has potential for...

| A little over a year ago Microchip [1] launched the first Ethernet controller with SPI connectivity — and just 28 pins. With the ENC28J60 av...

| Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. It captured the attention of the entire world with the eerie beeps it trans...

| The fan runs constantly in many PCs, which may not even be necessary. A simple controller circuit can regulate the fan speed according to...

| Higher programming language or assembly code? Because of market developments and ever-shortening design cycles, today’s software developer...

| With a PC-like RISC architecture and offering clock frequencies up to 100 MHz, the new SX processors from Scenix are currently the faste...

| We’ve used superlatives often enough in Elektor Electronics, but there’s no question that this is the most compact computer design we have...

| This miniaturized motor controller uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) for loss-free speed control of d.c. motors up to about 40 amps. The e...