DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with Controller and light (15)

| In the animal world, the males of the species don't have it easy finding a partner – they sometimes have to prove in fierce (mock) fights wi...


| Programming a traffic light controller on a microcontroller is not too complicated, and an easy job for Arduino. But, wait a minute… it can...

| If the Stairway to Heaven was fitted with lights I guess they would look something like this… Each step is softly illuminated in sequence by...

| This board, described in Elektor Magazine November-December 2016 issue, based on a AVR microcontroller ATmega 328 (as on the Arduino Uno) an...

| LED striplights can be bought in various lengths at ridiculously low prices and provide bling & glitz. Anyone can hang up a few of these and...

| Color LED strips are now available at low cost in all sorts of types and sizes. With the controller circuit described here, you can set your...

| When you step out of your brightly-lit house into the darkness, it takes a while for your vision to adjust. A solution to this problem is th...

| So just what exactly is Arduino? At first sight, Arduino is a small microcontroller board with a USB port that comes in several models. Ther...

| This controller turns on the outside lights as soon as it becomes dark and then turns the lighting off at a set time, so that the lights are...

| Over the years this magazine has published a variety of light dimmers. Invariably, these were designs based on discrete components. Th...