STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Controller and Switch (5)


| Although SMPS (switch mode power supplies) can take various structures (Buck, Boost, Flyback, Forward, etc.), they are always based o

| A low-cost Android phone forms an excellent basis for a high-end user interface or remote control for a microcontroller circuit. In this art...

| One of the most frequent uses of n-channel MOSFET’s is as a voltage controlled switch. To ensure that the MOSFET delivers the full supply vo...

| The switching clock described here can control up to 16 channels and has 20 memories for individual switching times, each of which may apply...

| 7-day timer/controller Elektor April 1983 The last time we published a single-chip programmable timer was way back in May 1979 and the circu...