STM32N6 Webinar (728x90)

All items tagged with Controller and Timer (5)

| Although most modern microcontrollers have an internal watchdog timer, that may not be safe enough for the system to rely on it. The built-i...

| Accurate timing is very important in the digital world. For that reason we turn in this installment of our course to the SAM D20’s timers, i...

| One of the longest chapters in the ATmega328 data sheet is the one that describes its three timers. The timers can be used in so many differ...

| The previous instalments of the Microcontroller Basics Course have primarily concentrated on programming languages. Now it’s time to take a...

| 7-day timer/controller Elektor April 1983 The last time we published a single-chip programmable timer was way back in May 1979 and the circu...