STM32N6 Webinar (728x90)

All items tagged with Controller and Wi-Fi (5)

| Connected Objects is what people covet today. Anything except the dog’s temper has to be controllable from a smartphone or tablet and even m...

| This board, described in Elektor Magazine November-December 2016 issue, based on a AVR microcontroller ATmega 328 (as on the Arduino Uno) an...


| This project is a remake of the 120718 WiFi controller board. With this board you can control a ledstrip and 8 IO pins via an apdroid app or...

| Microchip has released new expansion boards that interface the Wi-Fi modules from recent acquisition Roving Networks into its modular Explor...

| With Wi-Fi modules pervasive it’s high time to start thinking about adding household appliances to your home Wi-Fi network. Controlling your...