Themed edition EN 728x90

More about COVID-19 (32)

| In 2020, I wrote a python programme to make a chatbot.

| The CO2 Guard monitors indoor air quality (IAQ) by measuring the carbon dioxide concentration of the air. Keeping it below 1000 ppm helps mi...

| Many young children cannot get vaccinated, so they will be the next most vulnerable group during the Pandemic. As a result, regular ventilat...

| At this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, you would almost forget that there are other reasons to wear a face mask. And that there are places w...

| Looking for an easy-to-use solution for monitoring air quality? You can build a compact, battery-powered air quality monitor. Check out this...

| CO2 400-2000 ppm, 3 LED's , level/temp sensor logged to ThingSpeak, buzzer, ESP8266

| This is a submission from Apacer Technology. Driven by the COVID-19 epidemic to accelerate the rapid development of contactless services, Ap...

| We did not foresee this long a period when we launched the Elektor Helps during the first wave of Corona. Our program to work with our key s...

| This is a submission from TME on the use of UV light for disinfection and sterilization.

| This is a submission from SECO on Biorespira, the innovative non-invasive pulmonary ventilator born from the partnership of SECO and IBD.