All items tagged with Current and Power (28)

| Measuring a current without affecting the circuit in which that current is flowing is an ideal test method. Current-sense power MOSFETs are...

| The tester, which is very useful for testing parts of electronic circuits consists of an oscillator that generates a 1 kHz test signal an...

| The voltage amplifier and current amplifier are housed on separate printed-circuit boards. The current-amplifier board is fitted just abo...

| The regulated power supply and four identical current sources shown in the diagram enable the simultaneous charging of four 9-volt NiCd b...

| A conventional current gain tester is too unreliable for measuring and comparing the d.c. gain of power transistors because it fails to se...

| A standard voltage regulator Type 7805 is inexpensive and easily available, but its maximum current of 1 A can at times prove a handicap....

| switching power supply ... elektor may 1984 The design and construction of good-quality, regulated mains power supplies became virtually sim...