STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Data Acquisition (64)


| Avoid costly water damage with a smart leak detection system! This do-it-yourself, ESP32-powered waterflow monitor connects via Wi-Fi and fe...

| Monitor up to six temperature points from -240°C to +850°C with this 8051-based temperature monitor and logger. Ideal for industrial applica...

| An ESP32 as an impedance analyzer that can even check the resonance of an LC network? Yes, this inexpensive controller board can do the job,...

| The SparkFun DataLogger IoT (9DoF) is a device for collecting and recording data from various sensors over a period of time. It is a plug-an...

| The USB GAD board has several high-speed analog channels to generate and acquire wideband analog signals. It also has digital I/O for handli...

| It is surprisingly easy to send data to a chat on Telegram. And not only that, it is quite fast too, allowing up to 12 messages per minute....

| Lowcost wideband signal generator, oscilloscope, logic analyzer and more.. On the "USB GAD_base" board are multiple channels of highspeed D...

| Summer is hardly a time to worry about frost, isn’t it? Or maybe it is if you want to protect your crop next spring? Fruit farmers utilize t...

| Every spring time I admire the flowering of the fruit trees in my garden. The first to flourish is an apricot tree. So early (begin of march...

| For the Internet of Things (IoT), tens of billions of nodes are expected to go into operation over the next few years. One of the major uses...