| It is surprisingly easy to send data to a chat on Telegram. And not only that, it is quite fast too, allowing up to 12 messages per minute....
| It is surprisingly easy to send data to a chat on Telegram. And not only that, it is quite fast too, allowing up to 12 messages per minute....
| For the Internet of Things (IoT), tens of billions of nodes are expected to go into operation over the next few years. One of the major uses...
| Vanja Samuelsson runs Qoitech, a Sweden-based start-up focused on solving battery power-related problems for hardware and software developer...
| Â electronica 2018 attendees are invited to visit the electronica Fast Forward 2018 booth for a multi-day program of business pitches, networ...
| Companies in every industry rely on low-energy wireless sensors for equipment monitoring, people tracking, security, and more. Unfortunately...