STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with DC and Gerber (13)

| This circuit is designed to allow a small DC motor to run at low rotational speeds. The motor is driven using a PWM signal, in which the dut...

| This simple circuit is designed for use with all kinds of DC motors up to 40 amps. Basically it’s just a simple oscillator driving a bunch o...

| Every power supply worthy of the name should display the voltage and current. This compact DC power supply instrument module can be used wit...

| Before a robot moves, no matter if that’s walking, swimming, cruising a maze or tearing up asphalt, you need to address the interfacing and...

| Circuits that convert a DC supply into a 50 Hz AC supply are called inverters. Commercial units are notable for their small size, high effic...

| The operating principle of the Cuk Converter avoids the need for particularly exotic components. That means we can right away take the plung...

| The development system described in this article continues a fine tradition of Elektor Electronics microcontroller articles, and follows in...

| Stepper motors, and in particular the way they must be driven, continue to riddle many of our readers. This two-part article is a solid base...

| Notebook PCs are great but stray too far from a source of power and it’s not long before low-battery warnings start to appear. Mains adapter...

| This pulse generator, which can be programmed using Visual Basic 5.0, employs the simplest imaginable hardware but offers capabilities that...