DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with DC and LCD (9)

| There is no hotter topic in the world of IT than artificial intelligence (AI). A good low-cost introduction to the fields of speech and imag...

| A (hobby) electronics engineer needs at least two pieces of equipment to be able to work on an electronic circuit: a multimeter and a solder...

| Pico Technology’s 2000 series USB oscilloscopes have a fine “bandwidth” both in terms of “megahertz” and cost: from the £99 10 MHz entry-lev...

| I wrote previously that it is hard to pass the EXIT / AUSGANG gates at the embedded world trade show in Nuremberg and not have a few demo or...

| At the time Elektor introduced this little generator I happened to be considering designing a function generator myself. I was thinking alon...

| The rows of pin header connectors on an Arduino are a practical solution for installing shields and make prototyping a cinch on the test ben...

| The author had to design a monitor circuit for the so-called Hercules Table (an electrically movable platform) at the University Hospital in...

| The development system described in this article continues a fine tradition of Elektor Electronics microcontroller articles, and follows in...

| The EDE702 Serial LCD Interface IC has been designed to provide a cost-effective LCD control solution for a wide variety of embedded desig...