STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with DC and Microcontrollers (8)


| Brushed DC motors are increasingly being replaced by brushless (BLDC) and stepper motor competitors. But their use still makes sense, as the...

| If you want to build Internet of Things applications, you must understand the 8-bit microcontroller. Tam Hanna, author of Microcontroller Ba...

| If you want to build Internet of Things applications, you must understand the 8-bit microcontroller. Tam Hanna, author of Microcontroller Ba...

| The new book Programming with STM32 Nucleo Boards is about developing projects using the Nucleo board. For a limited time only, you take adv...

| TRINAMIC Motion Control announces the TMCM-1633-CANopen, a new compact 300W BLDC servo controller module with sinusoidal commutation compati...

| The complexity of the modern factory has brought intense demand for precision and efficiency in the machines, control systems and communicat...

| Christof, Field Application Engineer at Microchip, explains us how to quickly simulate, compile and implement control algorithms for our des...

| Embedded Beaker!Beaker from the Muppet Show can be built as an interactive puppet and his presence and responses (sort of) enjoyed for all t...