DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with DC and speed (7)

| This is a submission from Rutronik on the wideband RF diversity switches BGS14WMA9 and BGS12WN6 with high switching speed and optimized for...

| How can you measure the wind speed without using any mechanical means? The method described here provides and electronic solution and uses o...

| A characteristic property of DC motors is that they can also act as generators, due to the complementary nature of Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws...

| The power circuit described in this article is used for obtaining a variable direct voltage source from the 50 Hz a.c. mains supply. The v...

| C J JL MONOST TRIGGER & DIFFER. 2.3V 10k THERMAL PROTEC. (a) (b) (C) 20 rn EE 62 November 1987 PRECISE MOTOR SPEED REGULATOR by Arturo Wolfs...

| EE JULY/AUGUST 1987 Simple DC operated motors with a permanent magnetic stator behave as an indepen- dently energized motor. The speed of an...

| The LM 1014 IC from National Semiconductor can be used to provide a constant speed control for small DC motors. A well known trick is used h...