STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with DC and Switch (15)

| This is a submission from Power Integrations. They announced that its BridgeSwitch™ integrated half-bridge (IHB) motor-driver IC family has...

| This is a submission from Rutronik on the wideband RF diversity switches BGS14WMA9 and BGS12WN6 with high switching speed and optimized for...

| Scientists at KIT have developed a new control method for switching power supplies, which enables the replacement of reservoir electrolytic...

| Russ Garcia (CEO, Menlo Microsystems) has 30 years of experience in the electronic systems and semiconductor industries. He recently told us...

| SCHURTER accessorizes its illuminated Metal Line switches with the PSUP 24 VDC universal switching power supply. The Class II power supply s...

| Diodes Inc. has introduced the IC DGD2136 3-phase half-bridge gate driver in an SO-28 (type TH) package. It can directly switch N-channel po...

| The Optomax Digital series of liquid level switches have the capacity to detect almost any liquid type whether it is oil or water based. Eac...

| Agilent Technologies announced a USB-powered, single-pole double-throw coaxial switch, operating from DC to 18 GHz. The U1810B coaxial micro...

| For decades, the linear voltage regulator of the 78 series and its variants have been extremely popular, because these three-legged ICs allo...


| After having designed a switched [nodepicker==node/1952==Switched%207805%20Replacement==7805%20replacement]  it was suggested that I should...