All items tagged with digital and Clock (8)

| Elektor’s “mos clock 5314” (sic) was a raving success even many years after publication and the number of boards sold for it reached K level...

| The crucial component in this project is a Maxim IC type DS3231, qualified by its manufacturer as an “extremely accurate I2C real time clock...


|            The extreme accuracy! Definitely it is a feature of Maxim DS3231, a extremely accurate I2C real time clock (RTC) with integrated...

| Surely not another digital clock? Well this one is simple to build and a bit of a novelty. It strikes every quarter hour and hour, and the s...

| Although digital alarm clocks have been around for years, most of today’s off the shelf products suffer from serious design limitations. For...

| Visitors to Germany may have seen the world’s largest digital clock which is housed in a 234 metres high transmitter tower on the banks...

| Digital watches with displays consisting of numbers only have lost much of their popularity over the last few years. They are now outnumbe...

| Musical grandfather clocks are still very popular in many households. This article describes how electronics have been applied to build...