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All items tagged with electric car and Automotive (7)

| The Lightyear One can drive 725 kilometres between charging. With that metric the Dutch car surpasses all other existing electric cars, incl...

| During the manufacture of hybrid and electric cars, and then mostly in the electric motors, up to now frequent use has been made of rare-ear...

| Mercedes have presented an electrically powered Urban eTruck. The rear axle is driven by motors in the hub. Three lithium-ion battery module...

| The Formula Student team from the Academic Motorsports Club Zurich (AMZ) has a very fast car: the 'grimsel' electric race car accelerates f...

| Perhaps gasoline and diesel cars will be banned in Norway from 2025. Or, at least, the sale of these. There is currently considerable politi...

| Now approaching production, the Morgan Motor Company‘s EV3 is inspired by “1930s aero-engine race cars, classic motorcycles and 1950s fantas...

| Vehicle electronics specialist Hella has, in cooperation with gallium-nitride power transistor manufacturer GaN Systems and researchers from...