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All items tagged with electric car and electric cars (12)

| Porsche have announced their intention to double investment in development of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles over the next four years....

| Vehicle electronics specialist Hella has, in cooperation with gallium-nitride power transistor manufacturer GaN Systems and researchers from...

| If millions of Germans were to switch to electric cars, would this put an unbearable strain on Germany's power generation capacity? Not at a...

| The electric car is everybody’s darling but there are still technical difficulties to overcome before we’ll witness full-scale implementatio...

| The George C. Marshall Institute has released a new paper examining the viability of electric cars.  Authored by the Institute's CEO, Willia...

| The 'City Supplier', an electric cargo boat, is supplying the city of Amsterdam since last thursday. It is the first electric ship from the...

| It's almost time for me to buy a new car, but what to get? Amsterdam is a great city to live in as an EV owner; a free parking spot right in...

| This isn't hot of the press or anything, but a few days ago I read a little news article on electric mobility, European policy and CO2 emiss...

| I had the chance to drive the Tazzari Zero Electric Car a few days ago when Tech the Future visited Good!. The Tazzari looks funny, which is...

| Sweden has set itself the goal of being the “world leader” in reducing CO2 emissions. But its cars belong to the oldest and most fuel-ineffi...