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More about Electric vehicle (52)

| Lars Krüger is a Potsdam, Germany-based teacher who has been reading Elektor magazine for eight years and designing electric bicycles since...

| In many cities you can see small electric scooters all over the place. You can rent as well as buy them, although at fairly high prices. Can...

| This is a submission from Keysight. The company announced that DEKRA has selected Keysight’s Scienlab Charging Discovery System (CDS) soluti...

| In many cities you can see small electric scooters all over the place. You can rent as well as buy them, although at fairly high prices. Can...

| It seemed to be an exciting race, the car running on hydrogen versus the one running entirely on electricity. Until the sheer tension took a...

| The InMotion student team from the Technical University Eindhoven (TUE) in The Netherlands is grabbing this space to publicize they’re worki...

| The InMotion student team from the Technical University Eindhoven (TUE) in The Netherlands is grabbing this space to publicize they’re worki...

| This is a submission from Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH’s about their booth at this year’s PCIM trade show in Nuremberg from May 7...

| A survey recently conducted in Germany by the online statistics, market research and business intelligence portal Statista and on behalf of...

| Most major vehicle manufacturers now offer a range of electric models and prices on the forecourt are falling. The much anticipated electric...