| Switching on inductive loads, such as transformers, causes a very high initial current, because at that instant, the load does not produ...
| Switching on inductive loads, such as transformers, causes a very high initial current, because at that instant, the load does not produ...
| SWITCHABLE A.C. SUPPLY Many experiments in the electronics workshop require a.c. voltages simply by setting the alternating supply voltages...
| A battery of solar cells can recharge a NiCd battery with better than 80%, efficiency, provided the solar battery voltage exceeds the fu...
| The lamp in slide projectors is normally controlled with the aid of a triac in series with it. This method reduces the brightness of the...
| The aim of the design of this 'zener diode' is to obtain a fast voltage regulator that can provide high currents. The circuit is based on...
| A cursory look through an electronics supplier's catalog quickly reveals that, although there are many commercially available paging syste...
| When the Atari ST is provided with an external hard-disk drive, it has to be reset after about 15 seconds, as otberwise the drive is not...
| One instrument no electronics hobbyist can do without is a regulated power supply. This month we present a no-frills design that should...
| The power supply for this analogue circuit that affords delays of 330 seconds is taken directly from the mains. The direct voltage at the...
| Over the last few years, a variety of low-power Helium-Neon (HeNe) laser tubes has founds its way in into the electronics surplus trade circ...