STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Elektor Business and Board (10)

| This is a submission from Rutronik on the D3713-V/R series of mini-ITX boards.

| PocketBeagle Grove Kit® is an infinitely scalable tool for working with sensors and actuators aimed at helping beginners and professionals...

| With a clear business focus on keeping customer needs at the core of every operating decision, Distrelec, leading European distributor of el...

| After increasing sales by 86 percent year-over-year and recording the achieving the highest revenues and number of units sold ever by a dist...

| This is a submission from Distrelec about the new Coral Development Board by Google which they have added to their web shop. The Coral Devel...

| This is an article from Microchip on a solution that enables large ecosystem of PIC MCU applications to easily add secure cloud connectivity...

| Microchip announces the industry’s smallest MEMS clock generator. The DSC613 can replace up to three crystals and oscillators on a board, re...

| Back in 2013, Natasha Baker launched SnapEDA to develop a search engine for electronics design content. Today, the company’s library compris...

| The Elektor Team works hard each day to engage its constantly growing community of maker pros, electrical engineers, students, and electroni...

| Many designers are using the community boards available in the market for their proof of concept and to evaluate their idea on a valid, work...