STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Elektor Industry and computer (6)

| Long gone are the days when gamers had to make do with a worn, dusty PC, whose case was held together by four different screws and a piece o...

| In the 1980s, owning a computer became a possibility for the masses. At first, home computers were not cheap. But that changed with a comput...

| During the 1980s, Mr. Everyman was first acquainted with digital electronics and then very quickly with computers. Here are some observation...

| Willingly or unwillingly, during the 1980-1990 decade, Mr. Everyman was first acquainted with digital electronics, and then very quickly wit...

| With a futuristic whiff lingering in the air thanks to NASA’s Space Shuttle, and the microprocessor an established element of the semiconduc...

| This is a submission from congatec on their extended temperature range platforms for edge computing – from high-end COM-HPC to low power SMA...