All items tagged with Elektor and Audio (38)

| One of the drawbacks of a threepin voltage regulator is that the input voltage needs to be 2.5–3 V higher than the output voltage. This...

| The TLC247x family from Texas Instruments is aseries of integrated circuits specifically designed to make driving a loudspeaker with an...

| Infra-red remote control of audio and video equipment has been the subject of several articles in Elektor Electronics. This 80C32 applica...

| Although spectrum shift and spectrum inversion have been known for quite some time as a means of protecting voice links mainly over the tel...

| APPLICATION NOTES The contents. of this article are based on information obtained from manufacturers in the electrical and electronics indus...

| The TDA8440 from Philips Components is a versatile video/audio switch, intended to be used in colour TV receivers equipped with an auxiliar...

| the Elektor XL range elektor december 1982 — 12-29 the Elektor XL range an audio system that sounds good — and looks good! Over the year...

| The Formant was an Elektor music synthesizer that's been inspiring electronics enthusiasts for decades. Recently, Elektor engineers have bee...