All items tagged with Elektor and Bus (38)

| Exactly one year ago we presented software that lets you implement a PC-based controller for your own bus applications quickly and convenien...


| -Temperaturmessung mit 1-Wire Sensor DS 18S20-Attiny 45 zur Anpassung an Elektor Busprotokoll-Anschluss & Auswertung von 4 Sensoren möglich

by JN

| A C-library which "hides" the ElektorBus-protocols (ElektorMessageProtocol and ApplicationProtocol) and makes the actual bus-application-cod...


| -Messung des Füllstandes mit zwei Sonden mittels Widerstandsmessung     und Auswertung über ADC-Wandler. -Ausgabe der ca.Liter Menge (Voll=2...

| Our ElektorBus series has shown how much interest there is in home automation applications. Here we describe a small circuit board that can...


| Here we start kicking around ideas and plans for a dedicated Elektor Bus system. Please join the discussion.

| The design has ripened to the extent that a real PCB can be presented to start experimenting for real.

| The ST7537 modem le from SGS Thomson Microelectronics enables a home bus to be implemented which uses the mains wiring to carry informatio...