ECIA - March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with Elektor and Java (16)

| Want to run Java on the Raspberry Pi? Frank Delporte can help. His new book, Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi, is an excellent...

| electronica fast forward 2020, the start-up platform powered by Elektor, is back with a unique opportunity to present your start-up and tech...

| Best of the BAY-ern [12]: It's time for the latest tech news from Munich and all around the innovative German state - Bavaria!

| Hey, electronics engineers and makers. Want to publish with Elektor? Contact us.

| Best of the BAY-ern [11]: It's time for the latest tech news from Munich and all around the innovative German state - Bavaria!

| One year Elektor Green membership 95% off for Hacktuber subscribers!

| Elektor Green for FREE only for David Watts Subscribers!

| Elektor Green for free only for Maker Tutor Subscribers!

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| Elektor's Android I/O Board allows you to control a PIC microcontroller’s 25 I/O port pins with your Android device. Java classes make WiFi,...