All items tagged with Elektor and Review (30)

| At the time Elektor introduced this little generator I happened to be considering designing a function generator myself. I was thinking alon...

| The SDR shield for Arduino published in the July/August issue of Elektor magazine is a complete universal radio receiver, suitable for liste...

| High on the list of bestsellers in Elektor’s book portfolio is he EAGLE Companion, An Advanced User’s Guide. In over 600 pages, author Mitch...

| Deities are often portrayed with multiple arms, symbolizing their ability to perform several acts at the same time. You and I only have two...

| Last week at Elektor.Labs we were honored by Coen de Bruijn stopping by to demonstrate the project he has been working on for the last year...

| A new 3-channel 100- watt power supply — how does it stack up? Elektor Editor Jan Buiting examines the new Rohde & Schwarz’s HMC8043 benc...

| In its July 2015 edition, audioXpress magazine published a review of The Bottle Builder, Elektor’s recent book release aptly subtitled “a co...

| Universal Wi-Fi Controller Board Although LED control systems exist in many shapes and sizes, surely there’s room for one more from Elektor....

| Recently we received one of Future Electronics´ latest development kits, the Audio Streamer to play around with. This Micro-Blox family memb...

| A mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) combines an oscilloscope with a logic analyser, their readouts appearing on a single screen if desired. Wh...