STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Embedded (276)

| In our interview with Jose Ruiz from AdaCore, we got an update on the growing interest in Rust. Highly regulated industries, such as aerospa...

| Explore cutting-edge embedded tech in ElektorMag’s March/April 2025 edition! We cover AI-powered face detection, a DIY FPGA audio player, RI...

| Watch this Elektor Webinar to learn about Espressif’s new RISC-V-based ESP32-P4, with embedded AI acceleration, high-speed video processing,...


| The news around AI mainly reports on the achievements of tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney — powerful, cloud-based tools. But there are plen...

| In 2009, Elektor published the ElektorWheelie, a two-wheeled, self-balancing vehicle inspired by the Segway PT, which was then hailed as the...

| Raspberry Pis and other SBCs are ideal for sophisticated process control, but require significantly more power than microcontrollers. Why no...


| Accelerate software development with large language models! This tutorial explores how to leverage the Continue extension for Visual Studio...


| The news around AI mainly reports on the achievements of tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney — powerful, cloud-based tools. But there are plen...

by jost

| Explore a simple example of PID position control using Arduino. This project uses an Arduino Nano, an L293D motor driver, and a DC motor wit...

| Meet the embedded community and experience the latest developments in the embedded system industry live at the embedded world Exhibition&Con...