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| Although the Baltics set an example for the rest of the EU when it comes to energy integration, the region’s three states of Estonia, Latvia...

| Simone Mori is Head of European Affairs at Enel Group, the multinational energy company with its roots in Italy. Mori has a degree in physic...

| The referendum on the UK's future as part of the European Union or Brexit is a burning issue among politicians and businesses across the UK....

| Transitioning away from our current global energy system is of paramount importance. The speed at which a transition can take place — its ti...

| Members of the European Parliament and industry representatives have teamed up to launch Energy Solutions: a direct response to the European...

| Last week the European Commission’s proposal of the Energy Security Package [1] was presented at the European Council in the framework of t...

| Hungary’s geological structure provides excellent conditions for an extensive utilization of geothermic energy. So far it has solely been us...

| The European Energy Review Journal has been privileged to collaborate with the Energy Charter Secretariat in 2015 and deliver the Energy Cha...

| Today will be the first day of the long-awaited COP21, the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convent...

| Contributing to regional energy cooperation, security and markets development The geostrategic significance of the South Caucasus count...