ECIA - March 2025 (728x90)

More about Energy & Power (18)

| You can use a reclaimed electric car battery to store solar energy for your lab! The designer is developing a step-up converter that can han...

| Discover the second version of the Laptop charger, which was made more compact with an OLED display. In the first version of this project, t...

| Are you considering cellular for your next IoT project? Before you start, let's look at LTE-M and NB-IoT energy requirements in LPWAN deploy...

| Need an alternative to a switched-mode power supply? This project yields a 500+ VA, linear, symmetrical voltage regulator marked by low drop...

| The Miniware MDP-P906 Digital Power Supply converts any DC power source into a stable, precise, and regulated lab power supply. It has the s...

| When our aged Radio Shack remote temperature and humidity station finally failed, I decided to replace it with a system of my own design. Th...

| How much energy does your house, balcony power supply, or PV system consume? Sure, you can purchase a plug-and-play energy logger on the Int...

| This easy-to-make, compact dual power supply is intended for general use on an electronic workbench. Based on the manufacturer’s application...

| Most induction meters are suitable for small coils, but do not measure with high currents. With this circuit, a high-current benchtop power...

| Attention, audio lovers! What started as an Elektor Jumpstarter project is now the Elektor Fortissimo-100 Power Amplifier Kit. Check out the...