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| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, here comes another ‘fresh’ article that's free to download by all registered E...

| The aim of the project was to build a microwave Doppler radar by using a low-cost off the shelf radar module, and along the way learn new th...

| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, here comes another ‘fresh’ article that's free to download by all registered E...

| Using the RFID starter kit from Elektor provides a good basis to carry out numerous electronic experiments with the Arduino Uno. We show jus...

| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, here comes another ‘fresh’ article that's free to download by all registered E...

| Nixie tubes are always fascinating. Nowadays they are mostly used for clock displays, such as the project in the May/June 2016 issue of Elek...

| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, here comes another ‘fresh’ article that's free to download by all registered E...

| Commercial current clamp devices certainly are able to measure current by potential-free means but they are not suitable for capturing rapid...

| This just in: You can now get a complementary bandwidth upgrade with your purchase of select Keysight mixed signal oscilloscopes. Higher osc...

| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, here comes another ‘fresh’ article that's free to download by all registered E...