STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Fun (19)

by E.M.

| Want to make your family and friends feel uncomfortable? Here is a good way to do it without having to bring up taboo subjects during conver...

| Designed to be used mainly as a vehicle heads-up display, this OLED panel is brilliant in the dark but also easily readable in the daylight.

| The SparkFun Qwiic IR Array MLX90640 Breakout features a 32×24 array of thermopile sensors generating, in essence, a low resolution thermal...

| Black Magic Probe – JTAG & SWD ARM debugger is a very small and lightweigh board designed for more efficient embedded programming. When you...

| As Christmas approaches so does the obligation of delighting your children, grandkids or yourself with a present that will give great joy. I...

| What if the ultimate future fun night out would be taking your date and your self-driving car out for a spin? And I don’t mean going to a da...

| High on the list of bestsellers in Elektor’s book portfolio is Arduino Uno, 45 Projects for Beginners and Experts. This book covers a series...

| Trying to get more electronics into one of the world's most popular toys Botfactory's Squink team teamed up with Rachel Hellenga. Here is a...

| Liquid crystal and OLED displays have taken over the world, but before this happened they coexisted with Vacuum Fluorescent Displays (VFDs),...

| This month you can take a break from all your serious projects and get involved in our fun month! That’s right, in June we will be focusing...