STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about generator (293)

| In the past, every electronics technician had a function generator with an XR2206 in his (hobby) lab, but those days are long gone. Nowaday...

by RoV

| Here is a simple and inexpensive yet effective RF comb generator that, once driven with a 100 MHz signal, produces regularly spaced harmonic...

| Signal generators are among the most widely used basic instruments and an indispensable tool for every electronics engineer. This article de...

| Joy-iT have introduced the JDS2915 two-channel signal generator. This model can output various signal waveforms at frequencies up to 15 MHz...

| When performing measurements away from your electronics workbench, a portable instrument is exceedingly convenient, particularly if you have...

| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, here comes another back article that's free to download by all registered Elek...

| One of the most useful bits of kit on a test bench — especially if you regularly deal with analogue circuits — just has to be a function gen...

| Some people go to great lengths to generate numbers that are as random as possible. In issue 3 of 2017, we published a design for a Truly Ra...

| A cheap and simple function generator kit for DIY assembly with surprising features and user-friendly operation.

| Microchip announces the industry’s smallest MEMS clock generator. The DSC613 can replace up to three crystals and oscillators on a board, re...