| Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. It captured the attention of the entire world with the eerie beeps it trans...
| Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. It captured the attention of the entire world with the eerie beeps it trans...
| PIC microcontrollers of the 8-bit 16F and 18F family can be found in many devices. They are also a favourite of many Elektor Electronics rea...
| Lots of microcontrollers can be programmed over an SPI bus. Driving this interface from a PC’s serial port using a couple of extra component...
| At the heart of this remarkably compact microcontroller board you’ll find an ingenious bit of integration technology. The combination acts a...
| The programmer described in this article has been designed for the well-known P87LPC76x family of microcontrollers manufactured by Philips....
| How many times has the birthday of that rich uncle or that six-monthly appointment at the dentist slipped your mind? How many times have you...
| The Philips XA series of microcontrollers has been available since 1996. These microcontrollers, which were originally presented as 16-bit v...
| There are certainly strong similarities between these two approaches to controlling equipment, and with the circuit described here we blur a...
| Sadly enough, the popular Philips SAA3049 remote control decoder IC is no longer available. No semiconductor foundry offers a replacement ty...
| CompactFlash (CF) cards are ideal for storage of large amounts of data, which is retained for years without the need for a backup supply vol...