All items tagged with Gerber and Simple (30)

| The idea for this project came when browsing the Elektor Archives. In 301 Circuits, the second book in the popular Elektor ‘300’ series of b...

| When you want to connect two or more I2C devices together there may, in some cases, be the requirement to change the voltage level of the si...

| Inductors and capacitors are two types of components that have several things in common, yet they are very different. For instance, both can...

| It all started with a simple question: could the author make a controller for traffic signals on a model railroad? That led to the rediscove...

| This simple electronic dice was designed specifically for beginners in electronics. The board has a spacious layout, with only a handful of...

| If you want to add a simple oscilloscope, basic signal generation and spectrum analysis to your workbench, this inexpensive Network Connecte...

| For many years the serial RS232 computer port could be relied upon as a sort of MacGyver universal port. Nowadays PCs are unlikely to be sup...

| When a servo motor starts to malfunction there is generally not much to see from the outside to help diagnose the problem. That’s why every...

| This small test circuit is a handy aid for anyone who frequently works with servos. It is often sufficient that you can connect a servo to t...

| Thirteen years into the new millennium, people no longer take printed maps on cycling trips. A smartphone suffices! However, with power for...