All items tagged with Gerber and USB (53)

| This project lets you conveniently connect any computer with USB ports directly to a simple, traditional connector — the 9-pin RS-232 (anyon...

| It’s often necessary to monitor the temperature of different rooms. For example in a green-house with various kinds of plant, in a wine cell...

| This data acquisition card for connection to the USB has eight digital outputs, eight digital inputs, two 10-bit analogue outputs and eight...

| Flash microcontrollers are easy to program, which makes them suitable for rapid software development environments and educational uses. In t...

| A new microcontroller, and yet another new programmer? Anyone involved with microcontrollers today will have a drawerful of printed circuit...

| Over the years, there have been a fair number of designs published enabling a radio-control (RC) transmitter to interface with a personal co...

| SD (software-defined) radio receivers use a bare minimum of hardware, relying instead on their software capabilities. This SDR project demon...

| Is it possible to use a microcontroller from the pre-USB era to fashion a USB device without using additional ICs? The designers set themsel...

| iDwaRF brings together a Cypress WirelessUSB transceiver and an Atmel AVR microcontroller to create a networkable 2.4 GHz radio module featu...

| All amateur disc jockeys and light jockeys dream about it: a DMX512 converter not bigger than an XLR connector! But at a retail price of mor...