| Inductors and capacitors are two types of components that have several things in common, yet they are very different. For instance, both can...
| Inductors and capacitors are two types of components that have several things in common, yet they are very different. For instance, both can...
| CPLDs tend to have a large number of pins practically inaccessible to the soldering iron and so do not lend themselves readily to use in hom...
| Today the cloud is a popular solution to save and share files as well as allow access to your files from any computer anywhere in the world....
| Electric current can be measured in differing ways and processes. Frequently we make use of a shunt resistor, across which we can measure th...
| About twenty years ago I recycled and modernised a vintage clock with Nixie tubes built by my father in the nineteen seventies. I replaced t...
| The circuit presented here is a general-purpose soft-start accessory for both homemade and commercial power supplies.The simplest lab power...
| Here’s a microcontroller that’s supposed to talk to a device over a SPI bus. You’ve set up the MCU’s SPI peripheral and wrote a test progra...
| Radio remote controls for model aircraft and similar devices are rightly subject to strict regulations. They govern not only the transmit fr...
| In a previous article we staged the Spiral MicroTesla, a USB-powered, flat mini Tesla coil capable of producing crackling sparks of up to ab...
| We have always been in close contact with plants, trees, flowers, shrubberies, grasses, weeds and other vegetation, yet we have never figure...