More about Gerber (930)

| Good weather data is more extensive than what is displayed by low-cost desktop devices that show the air temperature, air pressure and relat...

| The starting point for this article was a project posted on Elektor Labs describing the construction of a kitchen scale from an ATmega328 mi...

| Believe it or not, there was a time when hobbyists found 7-segment displays with red LEDs (cutting-edge technology at that time) hard to com...

| Often it is fine to use something without wondering why, what or how, but sometimes it is useful to understand why things are the way they a...

| Supposing you’d want to bring some light into a boat or campervan during the evening you could connect a couple of 12-V incandescent lamps t...

| IoT; the Internet of Things; IIoT, connected devices, fridges… we keep hearing a lot about it. Industry watchers predict a huge market and b...

| When a suitable radio add-on board is added to the FPGA-DSP board presented in Part 1 a powerful and high-quality Software Defined Radio (SD...

| Bluetooth is a protocol where a Master communicates with one or more Slaves; the Slaves cannot talk to each other. The Master is often a sma...

| A marten (or to be more precise: stone marten, Martes foina, also known as beach marten, house marten or white breasted marten) is actually...

| In the past, rheostats (today also called potentiometers) were connected in series with a load to control the current owing through the loa...