STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about GPS (81)

| Welcome to your BeagleY-AI journey! Inside this handbook, you‘ll find over 50 hands-on projects that cover a wide range of topics—from basic...


| The main drawbacks of a low-cost frequency counter are its limited medium- to long-term stability and the absence of an internal reference f...

| This USB stick holds a selection of more than 350 articles on RF, Radio and Communication published in Elektor Magazine.

| With 2024 just around the corner, let’s take a look back at designs and engineering articles from previous December editions of Elektor Mag....

| Explore the precise frequency control of the AD9851, calibrated with a GPS time base, offering reliable frequency delivery from 1Hz to 25MHz...

| If you have connected objects that rely on NTP servers for timekeeping and your internet connection goes down, your system may go down too....

| The article, “LoRa GPS Tracker,” featured in the 6/2020 edition of Elektor described how to collect the tracking data from a TTN server usin...

| [Partner Content] DIGI XBee® XBIB-C Development Boards utilize USB Direct Mode for use with XBee 3 Cellular Modules. They feature a temperat...

by bera

| Here is yet another fruit of lockdown labor. With some time and effort, you too can combine four 16x16 NeoPixel LED matrices into one large...

| In the great outdoors you can usually rely on GPS or mobile phone technology to let you know where you are. But how can we get a fix on peop...