STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Hat (10)

| The Pro division of Arduino has extended its Portenta product line with a new board: the Portenta Hat Carrier. The new board allows the Port...

| Thomas McDonald’s original oscilloscope project for the Raspberry Pi, “Ohsillyscope,” got a lot of attention, so he’s open-sourced the code.

| The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT board is normally plugged in to the 40-way connector of the Raspberry Pi. In order to interface external componen...

| Among the many HAT accessories available for the Raspberry Pi, the Uninterruptable Power Supply aptly called PiJuice is a remarkable one. By...

| Its 40-pin GPIO connector has certainly contributed to the popularity of the Raspberry Pi. Did you know that these lines are connected direc...

| This add-on board for the Raspberry Pi puts at your disposal 4 motor-control outputs for powerful LEGO EV3 Mindstorms motors and 16 buffered...

| A PIR (passive infrared) detector coupled with an electrtc light is now widely used rar intruder protection. PIR detectors are also avail...

| This simple filter ensures that TTL signals are transferred within a certain frequency range, though at half their original frequency. Be...

| The monitor is a handy aid in cam and is particularlv suitable for radio amateurs who power their equipment from a car battery.

| From the World of Electronics presents the newest electronical devices and inventions.