All items tagged with Home Automation and Elektor (7)

| The Raspberry Pi is a tremendous device for controlling things around the house, but for many applications it is overkill. A platform based...

| As you well know, the Arduino is "the" basic component in the maker community, however to expand its capabilities makers are still largely o...

| Elektor PLUS is a great package that includes 11 issues per year delivered to your doorstep (including the July/August double issue) and a c...

| Elektor PLUS is a great package providing 11 issues per year delivered to your doorstep (including the July/August double issue), a free wel...

| Many electronics enthusiasts like to do home automation projects. The Elektor Bus series for instance that we ran in 2011 was hugely popular...


| The Elektor Home Control is a home automation system that works through your existing ethernet network.All the modules run on a pic microcon...


| -Messung des Füllstandes mit zwei Sonden mittels Widerstandsmessung     und Auswertung über ADC-Wandler. -Ausgabe der ca.Liter Menge (Voll=2...