More about I2C (81)


| The Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) protocol is an addressable serial bus that was innovated by Philips in 1982. It’s designed for the seamle...

| [Partner content] The Arduino® Plug and Make Kit™ introduces daisy-chaining extension modules on an I²C bus as a new way for rapid prototypi...

| The communication of microcontrollers with their peripheral devices often takes place via the I2C bus. The longer the transmission distance,...

| Serial data transfer refers to the process of sending data sequentially. Sequentially means one after the other. Therefore, in serial data t...

| Interested in learning about serial, I²C, and SPI? Join Elektor on April 20, 2023 (4 PM Berlin) for a free webinar about the most popular co...

| The I²C bus has been around since the 80s, and is well-supported on today’s popular platforms, including the Raspberry Pi series. Node.js ma...

| The Elektor library is packed with amazing wireless-related projects and tutorials. Join us for a look back at several memorable wireless-re...

| Have a display configured for SPI? You could buy an I2C display, but why not do it yourself? Read on to learn how to change the display from...

| This article details how to build your own I2C slave device using a PIC microcontroller, and how to control it with a Raspberry Pi. You lear...

| The Artemis module is the world's first open-source hardware RF module enabling both voice recognition and BLE. A surprising amount of p...