All items tagged with IBM and Circuit (6)

| In some situations, for instance, in education or in process contra I systems, it is practical to have at least two keyboards connecte...

| Although frowned upon by many as addictive and devoid of educational value, computer games can be great fun to play. This little circuit...

| It is hard, if not impossible, to think of professional and industrial electronics design without a computer entering at some stage along...

| The program and the circuit presented here are an introduction into practical interrupt handling in IBM PCs and compatibles, a subject f...

| The high-performance insertion card described in this article allows your IBM PC-XT, PC-AT or 100% compatible to measure direct voltage at...

| INTEGRATED-CIRCUIT TESTER Ili11 1 ilil 11.1191111%111111111 { 1 : ~IleillliiiitiVllliiillllti This IC tester, designed by ELV GmbH, comes as...