STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Alternatives and Innovation (156)

| [Partner Content] Challenges graduate and undergraduate students to innovate and secure IoT to reach carbon neutrality.

| You are surely aware of B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer); maybe you are not familiar with B2I as in ‘Business to In...

| Over the last fifteen years, the UK's energy landscape has changed dramatically. In 2000, over 90% of its electricity came from large scale...

| Chemical engineers from MIT have developed a portable machine that synthesizes pharmaceuticals on demand. The machine could alleviate drug s...

| As the introduction of smart meters, distributed generation and a host of other new technologies change the landscape in the power sector, u...

| Stating that home energy storage becomes important is almost a no-brainer. The challenge is how market parties and governments will implemen...

| Digital technologies have the potential to greatly benefit humanity. They can spur economic growth, create jobs and provide people with new...

| La Certosa is one of the largest islands in the Venice Lagoon, located at the very heart of it, just 200 meters from the historical town and...

| For the first time in close to a century, mankind may be about to give serious attention to a technology that has the potential to be a true...

| Drones will eventually be “as ubiquitous as pigeons”, London-based futurist Liam Young recently predicted. They are omnipresent already. Onl...