All items tagged with Alternatives and Innovation and Elektor Energy (148)

| This report gives a detailed analysis of the magnitude of the efficiency potential in non-transportation uses of energy, a thorough assessme...

| Who owns our low carbon future? Intellectual property and energy technologies Bernice Lee, Ilian Iliev and Felix Preston, Chatham House E...

| Alternative transportation fuels and vehicle technologies By Douglas Arent, Frank A. Verrastro, Erik R. Peterson, Jennifer L. Bovair, CSIS...

| Racing on biogas - Reiner Gatermann 400-billion-euro solar plan takes off - Stefan Nicola Berlin - Moscow on a single tank - Stefan Nicola...

| Black liquor is a by-product of pulp mills. To date, hardly any effective use has been found for it. Now the Swedish company Chemrec has dev...

| A minor revolution has taken place in Brussels where the European Commission has created a direct association with European cities – bypassi...

| The title “Europe’s green Capital” has been awarded by the EU for the first time. And the winner is … Stockholm. The city deserves the title...

| A lot is to be gained from improving the energy efficiency of buildings. But the obstacles are quite formidable. As exemplified by the Briti...

| A wind farm, several biogas plants, solar panels, a hydropower pump storage facility and electric cars are part of a unique virtual power pl...

| The Elithis Tower in Dijon has been heralded as ’the most sober building in the world’. Even more striking than the building is its visionar...