All items tagged with Alternatives and Innovation and Elektor Energy (148)

| This report details the findings of a survey about awareness and acceptance of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) conducted in 1...

| There is widespread agreement among energy experts that a transition to a low-carbon future will not be possible in Europe without the large...

| Eurelectric is convinced that electricity is a solution for making transport more sustainable. Using low]carbon electricity in the transpor...

| A new report by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) – Best Practice of ARE: What Renewable Energy Can Achieve In Developing Countri...

| Scotland can realise the employment, economic and environmental benefits of carbon storage. A consortium of Scottish Government, industry an...

| By a big margin, Toyota is number one in hybrid car sales and indeed in sales of electric vehicles overall thanks to such things as sales of...

| One of Europe's most comprehensive smart grids is currently coming into existence in Austria. Energie AG Oberösterreich has been rolling out...

| Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been widely touted as a ‘bridging technology’ to take us from an economy based on fossil fuels to one b...

| The hydrogen hype of the first few years of the new millennium is well and truly over. So, are car manufacturers still working on hydrogen p...

| The George C. Marshall Institute has released a new paper examining the viability of electric cars.  Authored by the Institute's CEO, Willia...