STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and BASIC (5)

| Prices of CompactFlash cards having dropped considerably over the past year or so, the author decided to design a parallel PC interface that...

| If you are new to the CAN bus, look forward to some hard work before seeing the first usable results. After all, at least two microcontrolle...

| Many hobbyists use their PCs to control circuits via an I²C interface. In this article, we show how the necessary programming can be made...

| Elsewhere in this issue we described the theory behind Basicode-2 so it is only natural that we should show how the Junior Computer can use...

| 5-24 — elektor may 1980 cassette interface for BASIC microcomputer II interface and software on one Eurocard No cassette interface is incl...