STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and Gerber (47)

| IoT; the Internet of Things; IIoT, connected devices, fridges… we keep hearing a lot about it. Industry watchers predict a huge market and b...

| There should be at least a million BBC micro:bits floating around the UK and other parts of the world right now. Though there are indeed man...

| The extended open source library together with free online code editor and compiler suite made available by ARM (or must we now say Softbank...

| Temperature sensors are needed in many automation applications, and the RS-485 interface allows reliable communication of data even over lon...

| The FTDI FT311D is a flexible bridge that can interface your circuit to an Android smartphone or tablet. It offers options for seven digital...

| You can easily produce a Touchless Gesture Control interface that’s capable of reliably providing 3-dimensional co-ordinates (X, Y, and Z ax...

| Very often a project will demand an external interface such as RS-232, USB or Bluetooth, and using a small ready-made module can reduce deve...

| Most microcontrollers have a built-in digital-to-analog converter (DAC), but what can we do when this isn’t accurate enough? Look no further...

| For aircraft enthusiasts and in particular plane spotters, it’s always interesting to listen to communications between aircraft and control...

| With this small circuit your model railway will have a few additional features and more intelligence, without the need to buy intelligent tr...