STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and OS Windows (7)

| iX development software from Beijer Electronics facilitates the implementation of (hu)man-machine interfaces (HMI or MMI) on programmable de...

| Rohde & Schwarz have added a 4 GHz model to their R&S RTO family of high performance oscilloscopes. With a sampling rate of 20 Gsample/s, th...

| The ‘Universal Interface for Windows’ designed by Burkhard Kainka (Elektor Electronics, December 1999 Supplement, page S2) provides for a ra...

| In the previous article we described the hardware necessary to enable a vehicle OBD system to communicate through the serial port of a PC. A...

| The DMX/MIDI interface described in the September 2001 issue is extremely flexible and suitable for nearly all applications, but it is a rat...

| Model servos have improved greatly in the past few years and now offer greater torque and speed, so much so that they are increasingly being...

| I/O interfaces are published regularly in this magazine. Yet, each and every of them has its own special properties which makes it almost un...