DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and Output (6)

| The EDE702 Serial LCD Interface IC has been designed to provide a cost-effective LCD control solution for a wide variety of embedded desig...

| Lots of people seem to think that computers show the results of their number crunching activities on screens only. The highly education...

| The Interface provides a link between a Casio organiser (Type SF5100, SF5300, or SF9300) and a personal computer.

| The Centronics interface available on almost any IBM PC or compatible lends itself to simple input/ output functions provided the drive c...

| Practically all of today's computer systems are equipped with an RS232 interface. That trusty and widely known serial interface enables a...

| Although there is also a signal on the ACK line of the Centronics interface in emulator mode (unless JP6 is swapped), this of little cons...